Radon can dissolve and build up in water from underground sources. If your water comes from a well, it may contain radon. Radon in the water dissolves and escapes into the air during household water use, especially when it is heated. Radon levels in the air will increase for a short period of time when you use your dishwasher, washing machine, shower and bath.
For every 10,000 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of radon in your water, it is estimated that 1 pCi/L is added to your radon in the air. If your water comes from a lake, river, or reservoir (surface water), radon is not a concern. The radon is released into the air before it reaches your home.
Some radon stays in the water. Radon in the water you drink can also contribute to a very small increase in your risk of stomach cancer. However, this risk is almost insignificant compared to your risk of lung cancer from radon.
There are two types of systems to reduce radon levels in your water, GAC and Aeration Systems. If the average radon test result is 5,000 pCi/L or higher, one of the following systems is recommended. The CT DPH recommends hiring a nationally certified radon mitigation professional to install a system to reduce radon in your water.
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